Discover Satoshi strongest Pokemon

Discover Satoshi strongest Pokemon

Although Satoshi is not an excellent trainer, the Pokemon he possesses all have power that makes others wary. Below are the strongest Satoshi Pokemon.

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TOP 5 Satoshi strongest Pokemon


Krookodile is the 9th and final Pokemon to join Ash’s squad on the Unova continent. With such a large number, it would be thought that it would have no place to perform, but Krookodile is one of Ash’s best Pokemon here with a win rate of up to 75%.

This crocodile’s first victory was against Iris’s Dragonite. Then, at the Vertress Conference tournament, it defeated Stephan’s two Pokemon, Liepard and Sawk. In addition, Krookodile’s skill set is also one of the most beautiful in the squad when it includes strong attacks such as Dig, Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace and Stone Edge.

Pikachu – Satoshi strongest Pokemon

There will be many arguments about whether Pikachu is strong or not, but it’s clear that Ash will never remove Pikachu from his 6 Pokemon squad. Although underestimated, Pikachu’s win rate is not that bad – over 60%. This is quite an impressive number because Pikachu has participated in a rather long journey from the beginning of the movie until now.

Pikachu Satoshi strongest Pokemon
Pikachu Satoshi strongest Pokemon

Pikachu’s strangest point is its instability. Pikachu has defeated Pseudo-legendary Pokemon like Dragonite, Metagross or Tyranitar, even defeated legends like Regice and fought to a draw with Latios. However, on a bad day, it can completely lose to silly Pokemon like Trip’s Snivy, a Pokemon that has never fought once in its life.


Sceptile is another controversial case in this top category. At all 3 evolution levels, it only has a 44% win rate, which is not a high number. This is understandable since Ash doesn’t seem to trust Sceptile as much as he does other Pokemon. In return, this leaf lizard has extremely memorable victories, such as defeating the legendary Pokemon Darkrai controlled by Tobias.

Snorlax – Satoshi strongest Pokemon

Snorlax has never defeated a legendary Pokemon and its confrontation record is not perfect. However, all of Ash Ketchum’s most exciting and classic battles ever have Snorlax’s mark.

One of Snorlax’s most memorable victories was in his battle with Greta at the Kanto Battle Frontier. Snorlax defeated the psychic Pokemon Alakazam in a very impressive victory. In addition, it was only recorded as having lost 3 matches against other trainers, but every time it competed, Snorlax also played the role of “changing lives” by defeating at least one opponent’s Pokemon before being defeated. .


The relationship between Charizard and Ash was originally “rice is not good, soup is not sweet”. But after two victories against Blaine’s Magmar and Tad’s Poliwarth, everything changed. Charizard has continuously had encounters with strong opponents. Its most remarkable achievement is defeating the ice bird Articuno and drawing with Entei in the third animated movie about Pokemon.

In addition, Charizard also helped Ash win the badge against Falkner and, most importantly, defeated half of Gary Oak’s squad – Ash’s archrival – at the Silver Conference tournament. Victory over Scizor, Golem, and Blastoise gave Ash his first victory over Gary Oak in the anime.

Infernape – Satoshi strongest Pokemon

Infernape is one of Ash’s best Pokemon. Since evolving to level 3, it has only lost once to its fierce opponent, a member of the Elite Four – Flint. Besides that loss, Infernape has a very impressive win rate – 83%, among the highest of any Pokemon that Ash owns.

The main reason why Infernape ranked above Charizard is that it had an extremely good relationship with Ash from the beginning, which helped Ash control and master the fire monkey’s Blaze skill. With extremely impressive strength, Infernape helped Ash win the Beacon Badge and defeat almost Paul’s entire team in the Lily of the Valley Conference tournament.

Infernape Satoshi strongest Pokemon
Infernape Satoshi strongest Pokemon


Ash has never had a Pokemon evolve to Mega Evolution, but Greninja is one of the closest cases to that. Ash’s Greninja is the only Pokemon that possesses a special form called Ash-Greninja and has helped Ash defeat countless strong opponents in matches.

sh’s Greninja defeated Mega Abomasnow, Mega Gardevoir and only lost to Mega Charizard X in a match where neither Ash nor Greninja could handle the pressure. With a win rate of up to 80% and perfect strength, Greninja is clearly the Pokemon most worthy of the top 1 position in Ash Ketchum’s top ranking of the strongest Pokemon.

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Above is the article Discover Satoshi strongest Pokemon. Hopefully the above information will help you understand Satoshi’s Pokemon better. If you have any questions or need to add, please comment below the article.