Top 10 strongest Pokemon in the world today

Top 10 strongest Pokemon in the world

Below, we would like to summarize the 10 Pokemon that are considered the strongest in the world today for your convenience (the factors evaluated here are ranked according to their stats).

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Top 10 strongest Pokemon in the world

Giratina (680)

Whether in its Original or Transformed form, Giratina boasts an impressive base stat total of 680. It is actually one of 16 Legendary Pokemon to achieve this, although it is arguably one of the more organic Pokemon. more useful thanks to its impressive versatility in battle.

While in its Original form, the Pokemon specializes in defense and has stats of 120 for both physical and special defense types. However, when held in Griseous Orb or while in its home, Distortion World, its attack and defense stats will be altered.

Ho-Oh (680) – Strongest Pokemon in the world

Ho-Oh holds the distinction of being the first Legendary Pokemon to appear in the anime and is said to be the guardian of the sky and the owner of three Legendary Monsters. Many consider it the polar opposite of Lugia; which also boasts a total base stat of 680 but is instead the guardian of the sea and the owner of three legendary Birds.

Ho Oh (680) Strongest Pokemon in the world
Ho Oh (680) Strongest Pokemon in the world

Mewtwo (680)

Along with Rayquaza, Mewtwo is considered the strongest collectible Pokemon in the Pokemon universe, at least when it comes to Mega Evolutions. By default, they all have a base stat total of 680, but in enhanced form, this number increases to an impressive 780.

Although many other Pokemon have the ability to Mega Evolve and also benefit from the same 100 stat points after evolving, Mewtwo and Rayquaza are still the two strongest Pokemon with the right to Mega Evolve. Additionally, Mewtwo is also one of only two Pokemon to have two separate Mega Evolutions, the other being Charizard.

Rayquaza (680) – Strongest Pokemon in the world

Rayquaza may not be the fastest Pokemon out there, but its physical and special attack stats are both top-notch (150). They account for nearly half of a Pokemon’s total base stats (680) and can increase to 780 when upgraded to Mega evolution.

Rayquaza is somewhat special because it is the only Pokemon to date that can Mega Evolve without using items. Instead, the Pokemon simply uses the move Dragon Ascent to transform into its Mega form. This is because Rayquaza is said to have eaten a lot of meteorites and it was from these meteorites that it was able to generate the power needed for the transformation.

Eternatus (690)

First introduced in Pokemon Sword & Shield, Eternatus is an extremely powerful Pokemon with a base stat total of 690. It may not be the strongest in terms of stats, but it is notable when Eternatus is 1 of 2 Pokemon can achieve higher total stats without using an item or a fusion technique.

Kyurem (700)

In its Original form, Kyurem is slightly weaker than some other legendary Pokemon due to having a total base stat of 660. However, when fused with Zekrom or Reshiram, this total stat increases to 700, making Kyurem Black and White became the strongest Pokemon ever seen at the time of their birth.

Zygarde (708) – Strongest Pokemon in the world

Zygarde is the 718th Pokemon to appear in both the 6th and 7th generations of Pokemon. It comes in 3 different shapes: 10%, 50% and complete. With its full form, Zygarde will have a total index of 708 along with an impressive health of 216.

Zygarde (708) Strongest Pokemon in the world
Zygarde (708) Strongest Pokemon in the world

Zacian (720)

In his Hero of Many Battles form, Zacian is actually a bit weaker than some other Legendary Pokemon. However, when wielding a Rusted sword, its total base stats are increased by 50 points, bringing it to an impressive 720.

Much of this increase lies in its physical attack stat, jumping from an already impressive 130 to a monstrous 170. Its speed also increases to 148, making it one of the The fastest and strongest Pokemon. Its defense stats aren’t too bad either, although its HP is still low at only 92.

Zamazenta (720) – Strongest Pokemon in the world

Like Zacian, Zamazenta starts with a base stat total of 670, which can be increased to 720 with the aid of a held item. However, instead of the Rusted sword, Zamazenta needs to be given a Rusted shield to transform into its Crowned Shield form.

Unlike its fellow Pokemon Sword & Shield, the stat bonuses gained from transformation are a bit more balanced. Both its physical stat and special defense stat increase by 30, although this comes at a trade-off. Instead of increasing by 10, its speed stat decreased; reduced from 138 to 128 while holding Rusted shield.

Arceus (720)

Not only is Arceus stronger than most other Pokemon, but Arceus is also capable of defeating all opponents, except for their 6 Mega Evolutions. Arceus is a somewhat unique Pokemon in that it can change its type through the use of transformation plates, and this makes it extremely versatile in battle. Its total base stats of 720 are also perfectly distributed among the 6 stat types, so this Pokemon has almost no significant weaknesses.

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