Update the Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

Update the Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

Pokemon always brings people a new world, where mysterious creatures lurk and many thrilling legends. Pokemon was also developed into a virtual reality game and quickly attracted a large number of players. Among pokemon types, dragon-type pokemon always win love because of its powerful appearance and high fighting power.

The Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon


Giratina is one of the strongest dragon-ghost type pokemon. According to legend, Giratina was born by Arceus at the same time as Dialga and Palkia. But then the dragon Giratina was banished to the world of chaos because of its violent nature. While in another world, Giratina is always watching and ready to fight to protect the peace of the real world.

Giratina has two forms depending on the world she lives in. The transformed form will appear when the dragon Giratina comes to the Pokemon world and will return to its original form when living in the chaos region.

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Rayquaza – Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

When talking about the top mega dragon pokemon, you cannot ignore the name Rayquaza. Legend has it that the dragon Rayquaza lives on the ozone layer and has lived for millions of years. The dragon god was born to end the war between Kyogre and Groudon. Rayquaza’s main food is water, dust particles and meteorites in the atmosphere.

Thanks to absorbing spiritual energy from meteorites, Rayquaza possesses powerful HP and attack abilities. In addition, Rayquaza dragon also has special moves and high damage resistance. In 2016, pokemon player Wolfe Glick piloted Rayquaza and won the world championship for VGC.

Rayquaza Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon
Rayquaza Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon


Kyurem is one of the dragon-ice dual-type pokemon that has fighting power that makes opponents very wary. The special feature of this pokemon is its ability to flexibly fight together. When Kyurem combines with Reshiram, it will become the white Kyurem dragon. On the contrary, if Kyurem combines with Zekrom, it will become black Kyurem.

Because he belongs to both dragon and ice systems, Kyurem can freeze opponents and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack to defeat the target. The ability to move quickly and withstand damage has helped Kyurem become one of the strongest pokemon that everyone wants to own.

Palkia – Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

Palkia lives in a space parallel to our world. According to many theories, Palkia is known as the powerful dragon god who holds control over outer space. Therefore, Palkia has the supernatural ability to bend space. This dragon can move between spaces in just a blink of an eye.

Palkia has a special attack and defense power of up to 150. This Pokemon also has many fighting techniques that damage opponents with 100% accuracy such as: dragon’s breath, scary face, raw power. water, gem power,…


Dialga is one of the legendary dragon-type pokemon in the Sinnoh region. As soon as he was born, his heart awakened to time. Therefore, pokemon Dialga has the ability to control time and is known as the god of time.

Dialga can move in both the past and the future. When needed, Dialga will use its own ability to send any object before or after the time it wants. This is one of the rare techniques and makes opponents be careful when standing before this powerful god.

Dialga’s specific ability indicators are as follows: HP 100, attack and defense 120, special attack 150, special defense 100, speed 90. Dialga’s total ability reaches 680.

Garchomp – Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

One of the strongest dragon-type pokemon is Garchomp. This Pokemon is a combination of a dragon and a hammerhead shark. Garchomp is a rare pokemon because it lives in deep, dark and cold caves.

Pokemon Garchomp has the strong advantages of a mighty shark and the great flying ability of a dragon. Therefore, anything that becomes an opponent that Garchomp targets is very difficult to escape.

Garchomp Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon
Garchomp Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon


Haxorus is one of the strongest dragon-type pokemon, evolved from the dragon Anew. In the movie, Haxorus is a pokemon captured by Iris. The two went together throughout the journey so they were extremely close and understood each other. In the battle with Satoshi’s dragon-type pokemon, Haxorus won the battle spectacularly thanks to his flexible fighting style, fierce sweeping ability and extremely painful steel punches. Therefore, Iris won the noble championship of the Unova region.

Salamence (Boomanda) – Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

Salamence is a demigod pokemon with powerful combat abilities and is one of the legendary mega dragon-type pokemon in the Hoenn region. After evolving from the Bagon dragon, Salamence has increased combat speed and moves lightning fast, surpassing even the Garchomp dragon. In addition, pokemon Salamence also has skills that cause high physical damage.


Goodra is one of the lovely demigod pokemon in Satoshi’s guardians. In many episodes, you can see Goodra’s friendly personality, always hugging and hanging out with her trainer.

The Goodra dragon is the highest evolution from the Goomy dragon slug. When reaching level 40, Goomy begins to evolve into Sliggoo. After that, the dragon Sliggoo reaches level 50 and if it rains, it will become the demigod Goodra.

Pokemon Goodra does not have aggressive characteristics, its abilities focus on defensive skills and enduring damage. Later, Goodra was released back into the swamp to live in a suitable environment and find her beloved wild friends.


Zygarde – Strongest Dragon Type Pokemon

Zygarde is a legendary earth dragon type pokemon and has up to 5 different forms. This Pokemon is considered the god who maintains the balance of the ecosystem. Every time he faces an enemy, the dragon god Zygarde will use a compatible form synthesized from the cells in his body. The stronger the opponent, the more harmful it is to nature, the more Zygarde will use its advanced form and deal more damage.

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Thus, dragon-type pokemon are mostly mascots with noble protective missions. For Pokemon players or those who love Pokemon cartoons, dragon-type Pokemon are always absolutely indispensable treasures to enrich their collections. Moreover, each pokemon has an impressive appearance and fascinating legends that make it difficult for viewers to forget. Always follow us to update more useful information!